A Guide to Supplementing with Formula: Tips for Supporting Your Baby's Nutrition

Jan 9, 2025

The decision to introduce or supplement with formula doesn’t mean it’s the end of your breastfeeding journey. Many parents successfully use a combination of breastfeeding and formula feeding to support their baby’s healthy growth and development.

If you’re wondering about supplementing with formula, a conversation with your doctor can help you decide what’s best for your baby’s needs. They can provide guidance based on your baby’s health, feeding habits, and growth patterns.

Tips for Introducing Formula

Before making changes to your baby’s feeding routine, please speak with your doctor to ensure it is the best decision for your family.

If you are looking to make the transition to supplementing easier, follow these tips:

  • If you can, wait to supplement until breastfeeding is established.
  • Try bottled breast milk to help them adjust to a bottle.
  • Maintain the breastfeeding parent’s breast milk supply by pumping after each bottle feeding.
  • Pick a time when your baby is calm and happy to introduce the bottle, take a gradual approach.
  • Position your baby properly and in a semi-upright position, skin-to-skin when possible.
  • Consider combo-feeding – alternating between breast milk and formula feedings. Formula should always be prepared separately from breast milk.

For step-by-step instructions on introducing your baby to formula, read our guide.

Choosing the Right Formula for Your Baby

If you decide to begin supplementing with baby formula, look for a formula with:

  • Partially broken-down proteins: These are proteins broken down into smaller pieces, making them easy to digest.
  • Probiotics: Probiotics are part of what gives breast milk its natural protective qualities and helps support the development of a healthy tummy.2
  • 2’-FL: 2’-FL is one of the most abundant types of human milk oligosaccharide (HMO) present in breast milk, and has been shown to support baby’s digestive health and developing immune system.3,4
  • DHA: DHA is an Omega-3 fatty acid naturally found in breast milk that supports baby’s brain and eye development.

Good Start® Plus 1 formula, our closest formula to breast milk, contains the unique combination of our exclusive Comfort Proteins®, which are 100% whey proteins partially broken down for small tummies, Probiotic B. lactis, 2’-FLǁ, and expert recommended levels of DHA5.

References :

ǁ Not derived from human milk. 

1. Cleveland Clinic, 2024. Feeding Your Baby: How and When to Supplement With Formula. Accessed 2024 September. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/breast-milk-formula

2. Holscher H, et al. JPEN. 2013;36(1):106S-116S.

3. Bode L, et al. Glycobiology. 2012;22(2):1147-1162.

4. Goehring K, et al. PLoS One. 2016;146(12):2559-2566.

5. ADA/DC. J Am Diet Assoc. 2007;107:1599-1611.