
How Comfort Proteins<sup>®</sup> Support Your Baby’s Happy Tummy


How Comfort Proteins® Support Your Baby’s Happy Tummy

Feb 26, 2025
As a new parent, you want to give your baby the very best, and a huge part of that is making sure they’re getting all the nutrition they need. Breast milk provides optimal nutrition for baby, including proteins that are essential building blocks for your baby’s growth. Breast milk naturally contains a balance of whey and casein proteins that are unique compared to the proteins found in cow’s milk used to make infant formulas. Not all formulas are the same When it comes to infant formulas, all formulas in Canada must meet strict nutritional standards. These include the amount and quality of the protein – but not all formulas are the same. While some formulas try to replicate breast milk using the same ratio of whey and casein, it’s not just about the numbers. What matters is creating a feeding experience that closely resembles what breastfed babies naturally receive. Inspired by breast milk, we take a unique approach to our formulas with gentleness in mind for your baby’s stomach. First, we start with high quality 100% whey protein, avoiding casein which can curdle in the stomach. Using an advanced two-step hydrolysis process, we partially break down the 100% whey protein into pieces that are 10x smaller, on average, than those in intact cow’s milk protein formulas, making them easy for your baby to digest. 1 How Comfort Proteins® Help Promote Softer Stools One common issue parents and caregivers may face when formula-feeding their baby is the occurrence of harder stools, which can be uncomfortable for a baby. Clinical studies have shown that babies fed formulas containing Comfort Proteins® partially broken down whey protein have experienced softer, more regular-shaped stools compared to babies fed traditional intact protein formulas.2 Softer stools may be more comfortable for your baby. A happy, healthy tummy means a happy, healthy baby—and fewer worries for you. Choosing a Formula for Your Baby When choosing a formula for your baby, remember that not all formulas are the same. Only Good Start® formulas contain our unique Comfort Proteins® that are designed to be gentle on tiny tummies and easy to digest*. With Good Start® formula, you can trust that your baby is getting gentle nutrition to support growth and comfort.   __*Like all infant formulas. References 1. Goehring K, et al. PLoS One. 2016;146(12):2559-2566. 2. Czerkies LA, et al. Int J Pediatr. 2018;2018:4969576.
Managing Colicky Babies: Facts & Tips


Managing Colicky Babies: Facts & Tips

Feb 20, 2025
Colic is a relatively common, though challenging, experience for many parents. While it typically peaks between 6–8 weeks and resolves by 3–4 months1, it can be frustrating to manage. Here are some strategies and tips you can use to ease the journey. What Causes Colic? The exact cause of colic remains unclear to scientists and doctors. A doctor may diagnose a baby with colic if they cry for more than 3 hours a day, at least 3 times per week, and it occurs for more than 3 weeks.2 However, a colicky baby does not mean an unhealthy baby. There are plenty of ways you can help manage symptoms.1,3 If you are worried about your baby's crying, talk to your doctor. Tips for Managing Colic Navigating colic requires patience, self-care, and some proven approaches: Feeding PositionFeeding your baby in a vertical position can help minimize their discomfort.4 ProbioticsL. reuteri is a probiotic naturally found in breast milk and has been clinically shown to reduce crying time in colicky breastfed babies^5,6 and support a healthy and balanced gut flora6 in baby’s digestive system. Consult your doctor about using probiotic L. reuteri supplementation to help reduce symptoms.8 Movement & Quiet TimeTry swaddling your baby and rocking them side to side. Alternatively, you can try taking them for a walk on a quiet street. If you’re trying to get your baby to nap, consider adding white noise in the background to minimize sound disruption. Naps are a great opportunity for you to get some rest, too.  Self-CareSelf-care is important. Sleep when possible, snack on nutritious foods, and take deep breaths during stressful moments. Place your baby in a safe space, like a crib, to give yourself a break, and lean on trusted adults to support you during challenging moments.2 Remember, colic is not caused by poor parenting. It is temporary and does not affect a baby’s general health or future development. By implementing these strategies and seeking support, you can help ease your baby’s colic and navigate this phase with confidence. ^In breastfed babies References 1. Alberta Health, 2023. Colic. Consulté le 2024 décembre. URL: HealthLinkBC, 2023. What is colic?. Consulté le 2024 décembre. URL: Société canadienne de pédiatrie, 2021. Les coliques et les pleurs. Consulté le 2024 décembre. URL: John Hopkins Medicine, 2024. Colic. Consulté le 2024 décembre. URL: Chau K et al. J Pediatr. 2015;166(1):74-78.6. Savino F et al. Pediatrics. 2010;128: e528-e533.7. Concorrullo P et al. J Pediatr. 2010;157(4):598-602.8. Scheider R and Sant’Anna M. Paediatr Child Health. 2022; 27(8):482-491.
How to Know How Much and How Often to Feed Your Baby


How to Know How Much and How Often to Feed Your Baby

Jan 20, 2025
Breast milk is the ideal nutritional start for babies. In fact, experts recommend breastfeeding exclusively for the first six months of baby’s life and continuing up until two year and beyond. 1-3 Whether you choose to breastfeed, formula feed, or combine them, knowing when your baby is hungry or full can help you meet their needs – from day one! Recognizing Hunger and Fullness Cues4 0-6 months Your baby’s stomach is tiny, so they’ll need small, frequent feedings to keep them full and with a happy belly. You can count on 8-12 feedings per day to help them grow strong and healthy. When your newborn is hungry, look for these clues: Opening mouth wide when nipple brushes lips or when cheek is stroked  Rooting for nipple Bringing fingers or hands to mouth Crying as a late sign of being very hungry When your newborn is full, you may notice:  Releasing of the nipple Slowing down or stopping sucking Falling asleep (keep an eye out for a little smile!) To learn more about feeding and the tips, techniques and positions to enhance your bond with baby, check out our Guide to Feeding Your Newborn. 6-12 months As baby grows from a newborn to an infant, feeding frequency will slow. Whew! Try working towards 3-5 breast milk and/or baby formula feedings, while offering 2-3 nutritious complementary foods and 1-3 snacks per day. Hunger cues will have also evolved since their newborn stage. Look out for your baby: Showing excitement or reaching out when food is presented Opening mouth wide and leaning toward spoon, nipple or bottle Fussing as a late sign of being very hungry Once full, your infant may show you by:  Getting easily distracted and looking elsewhere. Spoon or nipple is batted away Leaning back, clenching mouth, turning head or pushing away from nipple or food 12+ months Welcome to the toddler stage! By now, a variety of appropriate solid foods may be offered regularly alongside breast milk or formula as part of a balanced diet. Keep an eye out for these hunger cues:  Expressing desire for food with words, gestures or sounds Leading you to the fridge or cupboard, pointing to the desired food When full, your toddler may start: Shaking their head Using phrases like "all done," "no more" or "get down" Becoming easily distracted or playful with food   References : 1. Government of Canada, 2023.Nutrition for healthy term infants: recommendations from birth to six months. Accessed 2024 September. URL: 2. Canadian Paediatric Society, 2020. Breastfeeding. Accessed 2024 September. 3. World Health Organization, 2023. Infant and Young Child Feeding. Accessed 2024 September. 4. Canadian Paediatric Society, 2020. Feeding your baby in the first year. Accessed 2024 September.
A Guide to Supplementing with Formula: Tips for Supporting Your Baby's Nutrition


A Guide to Supplementing with Formula: Tips for Supporting Your Baby's Nutrition

Jan 9, 2025
The decision to introduce or supplement with formula doesn’t mean it’s the end of your breastfeeding journey. Many parents successfully use a combination of breastfeeding and formula feeding to support their baby’s healthy growth and development. If you’re wondering about supplementing with formula, a conversation with your doctor can help you decide what’s best for your baby’s needs. They can provide guidance based on your baby’s health, feeding habits, and growth patterns. Tips for Introducing Formula Before making changes to your baby’s feeding routine, please speak with your doctor to ensure it is the best decision for your family. If you are looking to make the transition to supplementing easier, follow these tips: If you can, wait to supplement until breastfeeding is established. Try bottled breast milk to help them adjust to a bottle. Maintain the breastfeeding parent’s breast milk supply by pumping after each bottle feeding. Pick a time when your baby is calm and happy to introduce the bottle, take a gradual approach. Position your baby properly and in a semi-upright position, skin-to-skin when possible. Consider combo-feeding – alternating between breast milk and formula feedings. Formula should always be prepared separately from breast milk. For step-by-step instructions on introducing your baby to formula, read our guide. Choosing the Right Formula for Your Baby If you decide to begin supplementing with baby formula, look for a formula with: Partially broken-down proteins: These are proteins broken down into smaller pieces, making them easy to digest. Probiotics: Probiotics are part of what gives breast milk its natural protective qualities and helps support the development of a healthy tummy.2 2’-FL: 2’-FL is one of the most abundant types of human milk oligosaccharide (HMO) present in breast milk, and has been shown to support baby’s digestive health and developing immune system.3,4 DHA: DHA is an Omega-3 fatty acid naturally found in breast milk that supports baby’s brain and eye development. Good Start® Plus 1 formula, our closest formula to breast milk, contains the unique combination of our exclusive Comfort Proteins®, which are 100% whey proteins partially broken down for small tummies, Probiotic B. lactis, 2’-FLǁ, and expert recommended levels of DHA5. References : ǁ Not derived from human milk.  1. Cleveland Clinic, 2024. Feeding Your Baby: How and When to Supplement With Formula. Accessed 2024 September. 2. Holscher H, et al. JPEN. 2013;36(1):106S-116S. 3. Bode L, et al. Glycobiology. 2012;22(2):1147-1162. 4. Goehring K, et al. PLoS One. 2016;146(12):2559-2566. 5. ADA/DC. J Am Diet Assoc. 2007;107:1599-1611.
How to Support Your Baby’s Tummy Health and Immunity


How to Support Your Baby’s Tummy Health and Immunity

Dec 19, 2024
The Link Between Gut Health and Immunity As a parent, you know that keeping your baby healthy is a top priority. What you may not realize is how closely gut health and immunity are connected. In fact, a large portion (70-80%) of our body’s immune cells reside in the gut.1 A healthy gut helps support your baby’s digestion and supports their developing immune system. Supporting Your Baby's Developing Gut & Immune System  Nutrition plays a key role in developing our immune system. That’s because our digestive tract and our immune system work together very closely. From birth, your baby’s gut microbiome—the community of beneficial bacteria in their digestive system—begins to form. This development is important for both the digestive tract and immune system.  Your baby’s immune system continues to develop after birth. This happens when they come into contact with all kinds of microorganisms (bacteria), from mom’s birth canal, mom’s skin, and breast milk.2-4 What are Probiotics? Probiotics are live, safe microorganisms, which, when taken in adequate amounts, can provide certain health benefits, particularly in influencing the digestive and immune systems.5 Each probiotic strain has its own unique benefits. For instance, Bifidobacterium lactis has been clinically shown to help support a healthy gut microflora and the development of a healthy immune system8,9, while Limosilactobacillus reuteri (also known as L. reuteri) has been clinically shown to help reduce crying time in colicky breastfed infants.10 Why Probiotics Matter Proper nutrition that includes probiotics – whether from breast milk or another source – can help support your baby’s gut and immune system development. For parents who cannot, or choose not to breastfeed, there are infant formulas that contain added probiotics. The probiotics added to certain Good Start® formulas are specifically chosen for their ability to help support your baby’s gut health. These probiotics help maintain a balance of good bacteria in the gut. Good Start® Plus Stage 1 powder formula is our closest formula to breast milk and has the combination of our exclusive Comfort Proteins®, Probiotic B. lactis, 2’-FL, and expert recommended levels of DHA.11 Designed for babies with tummy troubles, Good Start Soothe™ formula is the only infant formula with Probiotic L. reuteri and has been shown to help reduce fussiness with the first bottle.**,12 If you have any questions about probiotics or feeding your baby, speak with your doctor.   References:   * All breastfed, full-term infants in Canada should receive a daily vitamin D supplement of 10 μg (400 IU).** Study results among parents of fussy infants.1. Wiertsema SP, et al. 2021. Nutrients. 9;13(3):886.2. Gueimonde M, et al. Neonatology. 2007;92:64–66. 3. Cabrera-Rubio R, et al. AJCN. 2012;96:544–551. 4. Khodayar-Pardo P, et al. Journal of Perinatology. 2014;27 Mar: 1–7.5. Joint FAO/WHO Expert consultation on evaluation of health and nutritional properties of probiotics in food including powder milk with live lactic acid bacteria, October, 2001. 6. Saavedra JM. Nutr Clin Pract. 2007;22:351–65. 7. Yoshioka H, et al. Pediatrics. 1983;72:317–21.8. Langhendries JP, et al. JPGN. 1995;21:177-181. 9. Holscher HD, et al. JPEN. 2013;36(1):106S-117S.10. Chau K, et al. J Pediar. 2015; 166(1):74-78.11. ADA/DC. J Am Diet Assoc. 2007;107:1599-1611.12. Czerkies L, et al. J Pediatr Health and Nutr. 2019;1(1):19-26.  
Guide to Feeding Your Newborn


Guide to Feeding Your Newborn

Jul 1, 2024
A holistic guide to feeding: breast, bottle and combination Learn as much as you can about feeding before your baby arrives. Familiarizing yourself with tips, techniques and positions will enhance your bond with your little one while ensuring that your baby receives essential nutrients for a good start. The benefits of breastfeeding Embrace the power of Mother Nature: breast milk - the ideal nourishment, created by your body for your precious baby. Not only does it keep newborns healthy and strong, but it's also great for infants’ emotional well-being.Breastfeeding offers many benefits for both you and your baby. Health Canada and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life with continued breastfeeding up to two years of age and on, or for as long as you can.1-3 Here are some key benefits of breast milk to consider: Optimal nutrition: Breast milk contains the ideal combination of nutrients*, antibodies, and enzymes tailored to meet your baby's unique needs, supporting their growth and development.2 Immune protection: Breast milk contains naturally protective compounds, like antibodies, probiotics, and human milk oligosaccharides, that all help protect your baby against infections and illnesses while supporting their developing immune system. Bonding and emotional connection: The close physical contact during breastfeeding promotes a strong emotional bond between you and your baby, creating a sense of security and comfort. Ready? Set? Breastfeed! When do you start to breastfeed? Right away! Experts advise that mothers start breastfeeding within an hour of giving birth. This promotes immediate bonding and provides essential health benefits for both mother and baby. Feeding frequency: what’s the schedule? Keep it simple: Feed your baby whenever they seem hungry. Plan to feed every 2-3 hours, even during those nighttime awakenings—around 8-12 times within a 24-hour period. Having your newborn nearby while you sleep ensures that you can feed whenever your little one wakes or gets hungry. And don't forget, the more your baby nurses, the more milk your body will make.4 Feeding Positions     Finding the right position for breastfeeding is key. Experiment with the options listed below and pick the one (or more) that feels comfy for both you and your little one. Cradle hold: This classic position involves holding your baby's head in the crook of your arm, with their body turned towards you. It is a comfortable and secure position for most mothers and babies. Cross-cradle hold: Similar to the cradle hold, but with your opposite hand supporting your breast. This position offers more control and is often recommended for newborns and premature babies. Football hold: Ideal for mothers after a cesarean birth or for those with large breasts, the football hold involves tucking your baby under your arm, with their legs extended towards your back. Side-lying position: This position allows for comfortable breastfeeding in bed, particularly useful for night feedings. Lie on your side with your baby facing you, aligning your bodies for easy access. Laid-back position: Embrace the laid-back breastfeeding position, also known as biological nurturing, allowing babies to instinctively latch and feed while promoting relaxation for mothers. Remember, the key to finding the right feeding position is comfort for both you and your baby. Don't hesitate to experiment and seek guidance from healthcare professionals or lactation consultants for personalized support. Once you’ve achieved a strong latch, repeat the process Getting your baby to latch on properly can take some practice. But don’t worry! Once you’ve secured that strong latch, baby will consistently want to return for more. Remember, repetition is key. Create a calm environment. Be in a place where you can be relaxed and calm. Try different breastfeeding holds to make sure you are comfortable. Let your baby lead. If baby is not hungry, they might stay curled against your chest, and that’s okay. You can try again later. If baby is bobbing their head or rooting, or you sense baby might be hungry, try tickling the baby’s lips to encourage baby to latch. Signs of success As a new parent, it's crucial to know when breastfeeding is going smoothly - it's not just about fulfilling your little one's hunger. Breastfeeding is a time for you and your baby to bond and for them to receive essential nutrients to grow healthy and strong. Here are a few signs to watch for. The latch feels comfortable to you and does not hurt or pinch. You hear or see your baby swallow. Your baby is producing wet and dirty diapers. Formula feeding: nourishment with care While breastfeeding is the ideal food for baby during the first six months of life, some families cannot or may choose not to exclusively breastfeed. Health Canada recommends cow milk-based commercial infant formula for infants who are not exclusively fed their mother’s breast milk.1 Infant formulas are designed to provide the recommended amounts of essential nutrients – like protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals for baby's healthy growth and development. Choosing the right formula: All infant formulas in Canada meet strict nutritional standards and support baby’s growth and development, but not all formulas are the same. Talk with your doctor to find a formula that meets your baby's nutritional needs. Proper sterilization and preparation: Sterilize bottles, nipples, and other feeding equipment before and after each use. Also, follow the instructions on the product label to ensure you accurately prepare the formula. Establish a feeding routine: Create a feeding routine that fits your baby's needs. Keep an eye out for their hunger and fullness cues—they might change from day to day! Combining breastfeeding and formula feeding Lots of parents choose to mix breastfeeding and formula feeding, which provides flexibility to meet both baby's and family's needs. This is called supplementing, mixed or combination feeding. It may come in handy if moms encounter challenges with feeding or are anticipating schedule changes, like returning to work. Baby's weight fluctuations explained Whether you are breastfeeding, formula feeding or both, recognize that it is common for newborns to temporarily lose weight in the early days of life. This can be frightening for new moms who are afraid that their baby may not be receiving the necessary nutrients. This weight loss usually stops after the first few days.4 Baby’s growth will be closely tracked by your doctor at your well-baby visits. Weight fluctuations may be part of their natural growth and development. Reach out to your doctor if you have any concerns about how your baby is growing.Parents, it's important to remember that regardless of the feeding method you choose, the well-being of both you and your baby is what truly matters. Your baby's health and happiness, along with your own, are top priorities. Every baby is unique, so trust your instincts and seek guidance from your doctor as you navigate this feeding journey together. Your intuition combined with your doctor’s guidance will ensure a smooth and fulfilling experience for both you and your little one.*All breastfed and partially breastfed babies in Canada should receive a 400 IU (10 μg) vitamin D supplement each day. References: 1 Government of Canada. (2023.) Nutrition for healthy term infants: recommendations from birth to six months. Accessed 2024 April. URL: 2 Canadian Paediatric Society. Caring for Kids. (2020.) Breastfeeding. Accessed 2024 March.URL: World Health Organization. (2023.) Infant and Young Child Feeding. Accessed 2024 February. URL: Government of Canada. (2023). Ten valuable tips for successful breastfeeding. Accessed 2024 April. URL:
How to Switch Formulas


How to Switch Formulas

Dec 21, 2023
You may be thinking about changing your baby’s formula whether it’s due to their age or digestive issues like fussiness, gas and spitting up. Regardless of the reason, it’s best to speak with your doctor before switching your baby’s formula. Once you have the go-ahead, here’s some things to consider when doing the switch. Why switch baby formulas Many parents choose to switch formulas for different reasons such as adapting to different dietary needs or preferences, feeding issues, or transitioning to a different stage formula as their baby grows. How to switch formulas Start by replacing a small amount of your baby's feed with the new formula.  Gradually increase the amount of new formula with each feeding. Be patient, it can take up to 5 days for some babies to adjust.  How to choose which formula to switch to Talk to your baby’s doctor Your baby’s doctor should be consulted for any questions about your baby’s health.They know your baby's unique needs and can help guide your formula choice based on any potential intolerances or other dietary requirements your baby might have. Your doctor may recommend switching to a lactose-reduced or soy-based formula. If your doctor suspects your baby has an allergy, they may recommend hypoallergenic formula designed for babies with allergies. Choose the right stage Look for formulas that are age-appropriate for your little one. Different formulas are designed for different stages, such as newborns or infants 6 months and older. Read the label instructions Remember to carefully follow the preparation instructions on the label for the product you are using. Instructions can vary from product to product and between infant formula brands. Tips for switching formulas Give your baby 3 to 5 days to get used to the new formula: The adjustment could happen right away or it may take some time to adapt. While you’re transitioning, your baby may go through some other slight changes—mainly to their stool pattern, gas and how often they spit up. Minor changes to baby’s stool pattern, gas or how often they spit up are normal when transitioning to a new formula Make sure to follow the preparation and storage instructions on the label for each formula.   Is switching formulas safe? Switching baby formulas is generally considered safe and common but it's important to talk to your baby’s doctor before making any changes. Why choose GOOD START®? GOOD START formulas are tummy friendly and easy to digest*. Designed with baby’s comfort in mind, only GOOD START formulas have comfort proteins, which are 100% whey proteins that have been partially broken down using our unique process for small tummies. Whenever you may decide it’s time for formula, choose GOOD START PLUS. It’s our closest formula to breast milk and the only non-GMO† baby formula with Comfort Proteins™, Probioticsǂ, DHA, and 2’-FL. Switching to a formula for sensitive stomachs Designed to give sensitive tummies extra comfort, GOOD START SOOTHE is easy to digest* and has 30% less lactose compared to other GOOD START milk-based formulas. It is our most advanced formula for fussy tummies and is the only formula with probiotic L. reuteri. Over 90% of parents who switched to GOOD START SOOTHE said their baby was less fussy after the first feed.1 *Like all infant formulas †Ingredients not genetically engineered. ǂ Probiotics only in powder format. 1. Czerkies L et al., JPHN. 2019;1(1):19-26.
Baby Formula: Choosing, Introducing, & More


Baby Formula: Choosing, Introducing, & More

Dec 21, 2023
Health Canada recommends that, for the nutrition, immunologic protection, growth, and development of infants and toddlers, you breastfeed exclusively for the first six months and you sustain it for up to two years or longer with appropriate complementary feeding.1,2 If you need help breastfeeding, healthcare professionals, family and friends can often provide support, encouragement and advice during this period of learning to feed your new baby. There are a variety of reasons you may choose to supplement breast milk with formula, like: Baby isn’t gaining weight as quickly as your doctors would expect, mom’s milk is taking time to come in, or on rare occasions, you’ve been advised by your doctor to avoid providing breast milk in order to protect your baby due to health concerns. Here’s some information about your formula choices to help determine what’s best for you and your baby. The facts Unlike regular cow’s milk, infant formulas contain the recommended amounts of protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins and minerals required for baby’s healthy growth & development. Healthcare professionals recommend cow’s milk-based, commercial iron-fortified formula for infants who aren’t exclusively breastfed because it offers a complete source of nutrition for your baby during the first year.1,* All infant formulas in Canada meet strict nutritional standards, but not all formulas are the same. 100% whey, partially hydrolyzed protein is a type of cow’s milk protein that has been partially broken down into smaller pieces. Hospitals don’t carry all infant formula brands. Look for a formula with the benefits of probiotics, 2’-FL, and DHA There have been many scientific advancements to infant formulas—consider choosing a formula that contains: ProbioticB. lactis: Probiotics are part of what gives breast milk its natural protective qualities. Probiotic B. lactis contributes to baby’s healthy gut microbiota and supports their developing immune system.2 Probiotic L. reuteri: Probiotic L. reuteri contributes to baby’s healthy gut microbiota and helps to reduce fussiness3,4and mild spit-ups.5,+  2’-FL HMO: HMO are bioactive compounds found in breast milk that offer protective benefits for your baby. HMO support your little one’s digestive health and developing immune system. One of the most abundant types of HMO in breast milk is called 2’-FL.6-8 DHA: DHA contributes to your baby’s normal physical brain and eye development. Formats Infant formula comes in three different formats and you can choose one, two or all three for your baby—whatever your daily routine can handle! Ready-to-Feed Formula New to formula? This easy-to-use format was made for your convenience. Comes in a ready-to-use sterile nurser form (Attach nipple. Warm**. Feed!) Do not mix with additional water.§ Concentrate Formula "Add Water" concentrated liquid infant formula is easy to use and prepare for added convenience Requires additional amount of sterilized water§ Mixes easily (No clumps or scoops!) Powder Formula Convenient Great value! Requires powder be added to desired amount of sterilized water§   Introducing Infant Formula: Step-by-Step Follow these simple instructions to supplement breastfeeding with formula or transition to formula feeding: Substitute one mid-day breastfeeding with a bottle-feeding. Relieve your breasts between feedings by expressing small amounts of milk (only if necessary). Talk soothingly when you offer the bottle and give extra loving attention. Substitute another breastfeeding with bottle-feeding every 2-3 days until you reach your desired balance between breastfeeding and bottle-feeding. Some Additional Thoughts on Transitioning Do not replace two consecutive feedings on the same day when you first begin weaning. If you continue with breastfeeding in the morning and evening, or leave them as your last substitutions, you will have greater flexibility to return to work or share daytime feedings with others. The transition to formula may happen smoothly, but sometimes it takes a little longer. All babies and moms are different, so try to be patient, relax and enjoy your time together. * All breastfed and partially breastfed infants in Canada should receive a daily vitamin D supplement of 10ug (400 IU). +In breastfed babies. **Do not use a microwave oven to warm formula, as it can produce hot spots in the bottle that can burn your baby. § Your baby’s health depends on carefully following the label directions for preparation and use. References 1 Joint statement of Health Canada, Canadian Paediatric Society, Dietitians of Canada, and Breastfeeding Committee for Canada. Nutrition for Healthy Term Infants: Recommendations from Birth to Six Months. 2012. Nutrition for Healthy Term Infants: Recommendations from Birth to Six Months - 2Holscher H, et al. JPEN. 2013;36(1):106S-116S. 3Chau K, et al. J Pediatr. 2015;166(1):74-78. 4Czerkies L, et al. J Pediatr Health Nutr. 2019;1(1):19-26. 5Garofoli F, et al. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2014;65(5):646-648. 6Bode L, et al. Glycobiology. 2012;22(2):1147-1162. 7Goehring K, et al. PLoS One. 2016;146(12):2559-2566. 8Storm H, et al. Global Pediatric Health. 2019;6:1-10.
How to Prepare and Store Baby Formula


How to Prepare and Store Baby Formula

Dec 21, 2023
To start things off, here’s a quick breakdown of the three formats of formula. Types of infant formula Ready-to-feed: Most convenient (no preparation required!) Concentrated liquid: Just needs to be diluted with water Powder: Great value! (Mix the powder with water) To ensure that you are giving your baby the right amount of nutrition, and to minimize the risk of bacterial contamination, it is essential to follow the label instructions, and prepare and refrigerate formula properly. Your baby's health depends on this. Before you begin: Storage and preparation dos and don’ts Dos Ask your baby’s doctor about infant formula, including how much and how often to feed. Carefully read the directions for preparation and use on the label so you can follow them accurately. Your baby's health depends on this. Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing infant formula. Feed your baby immediately after preparing the bottle. Always test the temperature of warmed formula before feeding (just use the inside of your wrist or the top of your hand). Don’ts Do not add extra powder or more concentrated liquid infant formula than indicated in the label instructions. Do not add any other ingredients (sugar or cereals) to the formula. Do not use formula from a package that may be damaged (e.g., dented, opened, leaking, or bloated) and discard the package immediately. Do not use a microwave oven to warm formula (it can produce hot spots in the bottle that can burn your baby). Do not store any remaining formula that your baby didn’t eat—discard it immediately (it’s not safe to store it for later). How to prepare baby formula: Step-by-step* Do not use a microwave oven to sterilize bottles or utensils. First and foremost, always sterilize your bottles, nipples, rings and all preparation utensils by placing them in a pot with boiling water, boiling for 5 minutes, cleaning the area where you’ll be prepping things and washing your hands. Ready-to-Feed Liquid Formula Preparation Shake the ready-to-feed Tetra Pak™ carton well and wipe the top with a clean damp cloth before opening. Pour ready-to-feed formula directly into a sterilized bottle—do not mix with additional water! Put the bottle in hot water until it is lukewarm (usually 1-2 minutes). Immediately close the opened Tetra Pak™ carton with the resealable cap and store it in the fridge—use the rest within 24 hours. Concentrated Liquid Formula Preparation Bring water to a rolling boil for 2 minutes and let it cool to lukewarm temperature (37°C) before mixing. Shake the Tetra Pak™ carton well and wipe the top with a clean damp cloth before opening. Pour equal amounts of measured-out formula and sterilized water into a sterilized bottle. Do not over or under dilute unless directed by a healthcare professional. Cap the bottle and shake well. Immediately close the opened Tetra Pak™ carton with the resealable cap and store it in the fridge—use the rest within 24 hours. Test the temperature of warmed formula on your wrist before feeding. Feed immediately. Throw out any unfinished formula within 1 hour after feeding. Powder Formula Preparation Bring water to a rolling boil for at least 2 minutes and let it cool to lukewarm or body temperature (37°C) before using. Pour measured, sterilized water into a sterilized bottle. (Always put the water in your bottle first—it’ll help the powder dissolve better as you add it, rather than trying to add water to a bottle that you’ve already put powder in. For best mixing results, use lukewarm water prior to adding powder.) Add the appropriate number of scoops of powder, as directed on the label. Do not over-dilute or under-dilute unless directed by a healthcare professional. Cap the bottle and shake it well, until the powder is completely dissolved. Test the temperature of warmed formula before feeding. Note: Only prepare one bottle at a time. Infant formula storage* Ready-to-feed formula storage after opening After opening the carton, if there’s formula left, recap it immediately, refrigerate it upright, and use it within 24 hours. Concentrated liquid formula storage after opening After opening, if there’s any formula remaining in the carton, recap it immediately, refrigerate it upright, and use it within 24 hours. Powder formula storage after opening After opening the can, keep it tightly covered with the lid and use within 1 month. Store the container in a cool, dry place. Sterilizing bottles in advance of feeding While preparing and filling bottles in advance may seem like a good idea, preparing and then storing formula is not recommended. Following the manufacturer's label instructions is important for the health of your baby. One safe way to save time is to sterilize bottles and fill them with the appropriate amount of sterilized, cooled water ahead of time. If you choose to measure out the appropriate amount of water ahead of time, do not add the formula until feeding time. This will shorten the preparation process once feeding time arrives. Once the formula is added to the measured water, the bottle must be warmed in hot water to bring it to a lukewarm temperature. Remember, your baby’s health depends on you carefully following the directions for preparation and use on the label. How long is powdered formula good for after opening the container? Once open, powdered formula will stay fresh up to one month and does not require refrigeration. How long is formula good for after warming? You should avoid using a microwave to warm formula. After warming the prepared formula, it’s recommended to feed your baby right away. The bottle should be used within 2 hours from the time it was warmed. Don’t refrigerate and reuse formula that has been previously warmed. How long can formula sit out for? Never leave any unused prepared or opened liquid formula at room temperature for more than 2 hours. Once you’ve fed your baby, discard any formula remaining in the bottle within 1 hour. Important formula preparation and storage notes Check the expiration date prior to using any formula. Throw out any containers that have expired. Never leave any unused prepared or opened liquid formula at room temperature for more than 2 hours. Feed formula immediately and discard any formula remaining in the bottle within 1 hour after a feeding. Immediately close and store any opened ready-to-feed or concentrated liquid Tetra Pak™ carton in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours*. * Formula storage instructions are stated based on Good Start® infant formula products. Please consult the label for full preparation and use instructions. If using another brand of infant formula, please follow the directions stated on the label. Reference Health Canada. Preparing and handling of powdered infant formula. 2022. Accessed July 2023.