How to create the perfect nursery

Apr 8, 2024

Creating the perfect nursery for your upcoming bundle of joy is more than just choosing the right colours and adorable decor. It's about crafting a space that feels like home for both you and your baby. Your little one's nursery should be a sanctuary of safety and comfort. As you prepare this special space, consider the following tips: 

  • Baby's sleep space: For the first 6 months, your baby's safest sleeping position is on their back in a crib, cradle, or bassinet that meets the current Canadian safety regulations. All you need is a tight-fitting mattress and a fitted sheet designed for the mattress. 
  • Nursery decor: Focus on decorating the room – not the crib, cradle or bassinet. While bedding sets, pillow and bumper pads (even mesh ones) look nice, they are not safe for your baby. Any loose or soft items in your baby’s crib can pose a suffocation risk. Anchor the furniture in the nursery to a stud or with heavy-duty drywall anchors to prevent accidental falls. You can also use anchors designed for specific types of furniture. 
  • Sleep sacks: Many parents use sleep sacks to keep their babies warm at night. Make sure the sacks are the right size for your newborn.  
  • Prep station: A bedside cart or basket can keep all the necessities close by. 
  • The right lighting: Consider installing blackout blinds or curtains to regulate light. 
  • Make it cozy: Make sure to include a cozy chair for yourself to enjoy those precious moments of cuddling or feeding. 

By ensuring the nursery is a serene and secure environment for your baby, you're setting the stage for a smoother transition into this exciting new chapter of life. Remember, the key is in preparation and creating a loving, calm oasis for both you and your newborn.  



Health Canada. Setting Up a Safe Nursery. 2023. Accessed April 2024.